Monday, August 16, 2010

Scenes form an "Irish Dance Feis"

Here are a few shots of the girls this weekend...

Karly's solo.

Kira kickin' it!

Karly taking a bow (front and center!)

Kira dancing "The High Cauled Cap".

"An Irish dancer looks just as good in the back as in the front."
(Kira is on the left)

Karly gearing up for the next dance.

Weekend over.
slán (goodbye)

Irish Fair 2010 "Running with the Celts"

We kicked off Irish Fair with a 1K (Kira, Karly, and Lisa) ....

and 5K(Dan) race.

Although Karly was FIRST the entire course, her sister (and some little boy) blew past her a few yards before the finish line.

Final stats: Kira-second place, Karly-third place, Lisa--fifth place(first adult, I might add!) Dan came in with a 26.5 minute finish.